Leadership Team
Senior Pastor Roy & Cheri Ellis
As Senior Pastor of Christian Assembly, a church experiencing a fresh flow of the river of God’s Spirit, Pastor Roy & Cheri Ellis walk in an Apostolic anointing, actively pursuing and promoting unity in the body of Christ. Their passion is to encourage the people of God to pursue a greater oneness with Him and to experience the fire of His love. With a deep love for their community, Pastor Roy & Cheri promote actively reaching beyond the four walls of the church and taking the love of Jesus Christ to those people who may never enter into an actual church building.
Pastor Shannon & Tracey Embry
As Youth Pastors, Shannon & Tracey understand that it is only through God’s guidance that they can successfully see the lives of students changed. Their passion and pursuit is to see the young people of this generation come to the front lines in their faith and fulfill their God-given purpose and destiny. Believing strongly in God’s call upon this generation, Shannon & Tracey encourage their students to become active and take a stand in their high schools and among their friends. By living a Christ centered lifestyle, we know that Christ’s love will win many to Christ. The Spirit-filled Life is the Kingdom life.
Office Manager Linda Ramsey
As Office Manager, Linda has the responsibility of holding the administrative aspects of the church together. Her attention to detail and sweet spirit combine to give the office just the touch of professionalism and caring that every church office should have.
Senior Pastor Youth Pastor Woody Nick
Roy Ellis Shannon Embry Sutton Russell
Richard Bittle Scott Moore David Brown Gary Russell Dwayne Buchanan Jeff Ramsey
Jimmy Harris Bill Henderson