About Us…
Our Legacy
* Christian Assembly was established in July of 1975 with Glen Hobgood serving as the founding pastor.
* In November of 1975, ground was broken for the first sanctuary.
* In August of 1977, additional land was purchased and ground was broken for a new and larger 600 seat sanctuary.
* In August of 1988, Roy Ellis became senior pastor and still serves as senior pastor
*May 10, 2015 was our last Service at the 1903 Edgewood Drive location due to the loss of our building due to mine subsidence.
*May 17th 2015: We began meeting at Browning Springs Middle School Auditorium
*September 8th 2019: We celebrated our first service in our new building in the northern part of Madisonville
All of our services are now located at: New church building
3600 Hanson Road, Madisonville ,KY 42431
Sunday Mornings 10:30 A.M – Wednesday Nights 6:30 P.M.
Our Beliefs
The Scripture is inspired. It is our all-sufficient rule for faith and practice.
There is only One True God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is God.
Mankind, through Adam’s sin, is doomed to both a physical and spiritual death.
Mankind’s ONLY hope for redemption is through the shed blood Jesus Christ.
Our two ordinances: Water Baptism and Holy Communion.
The Baptism in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
The initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. (See Acts 2:4 and 2nd Cor. 12:4-10).
Sanctification. An act of separation from evil and a dedication to the things of God.
The Church is the Body of Christ – all believers in Jesus dedicated to world evangelism, corporate worship and the building up of the Body of saints.
That the call to “Ministry” is divinely ordained and Scripturally inspired.
We believe that divine healing and deliverance from sickness are provided for us through the work Jesus Christ on the cross.
The Church will soon be “Raptured.” (See 1st Thess. 4:16 & 17.)
Jesus Christ will physically return to earth for a 1,000 year reign.
There will be a final judgment for the wicked.
There will be, “A New Heaven and New Earth.”
You may also go to the Assemblies of God website @ www.ag.org